“We’re All In This Together”

How to build a team, without breaking the bank


Thrive and plan for success by finding new and innovative ways to construct your team to support your initiatives. Remember your previous successes in order to have a starting point. If you come to the realization that in the past your achievements included comprising a strong and supportive team, consider building a new team to re-create the things that were successful for you in the past. Finally, carefully identify the tasks that lower your efficiency, motivation or tasks where you lack expertise. Once these have been identified, get some help by outsourcing or using part-time help to improve your efficiency and customer satisfaction.


What if you don’t have the money to expend on personnel?


A.            Evaluate all your current resources – even if it means begging, borrowing or stealing time form your children, nieces or nephews. By allowing them to do those tedious jobs, you focus more time on developing your business.

B.            Consider finding a college student on a co-op term or a local high school student. Hiring well educated students can be a great asset to your team as they are familiar with most current technologic developments and they have a keen determination to learn.

C.            Explore government programs to cover a percentage of employee wages.

D.           Offer an internship program where you would provide invaluable training for someone who is looking to improve their marketability.

E.            Find help on marketing initiatives by hiring newly graduated students to assist with building a website and managing it.   They get to use you as a reference and gain experience and you will benefit from a lower cost solutions and better time management.

F.           There are job websites where you post what you need done and people bid on your work and you can hire people inexpensively for smaller jobs that take up your valuable time.


Remember: Don’t try to do it all on your own, especially if you find yourself devoting too much of your spare time undertaking minute tasks instead of managing or building your sales.


 “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”

– Henry Ford